This is the suite that we picked out. It's a Calvin Klein black suit with two buttons on the jacket with matching pants.

Not to my liking, we (Suzanne) picked out an Ivory shirt to go with the Calvin Klein suit. While I am not crazy about the color as I always prefer pure white, something about it just looking so clean and crisp, the shirt is made of this really nice Micro Fiber material that makes it very soft and enjoyable to wear. The major reason we are going with Ivory for the shirt color is due to Suzanne picking an off white or Ivory color dress. Don't get me started on that one, thats an issue all in itself. She of course won't tell me anything about the dress other then a vague description of the color. I don't see a big deal about knowing or seeing her dress before hand, but whatever it's her day! It's all about making her happy! :)

The above image is more then likely the color vest and tie I will be wearing on the big day. No bow tie for this groom, I like the classy and simple look of the regular tie. It seems to be the trend right now for regular tie's and out with the bow tie's. The vest and the tie both are in a silver color to math the colors that we are using in the wedding. The groomsmen will be wearing the same color vest, the tie will be slightly different in coloring. The base color of the tie will be black with the silver stripe.
Matching cufflinks and buttons accompany the shirt. While you won't see the buttons for the shirt since it will be covered by the tie and the vest, the cufflinks will certainly show and match very well with the black, and silver theme for the suit's.

While I wanted to go with Brown shoe's (I can see Suzanne getting mad right now for just saying that), we went with the classic black shoes. Just kidding by the way on the brown shoe's, I just like giving Suzanne a hard time about going with such fashion no-no's. I wanted to go with square tipped shoes as I think they look a little more classy then the normal pointed shoes. This particular shoe is an upgrade from what the tux company offers with the package. I went with these as they are way more comfortable then their standard choice. More then 4 hours on your feet, I want to make sure that my groomsmen and myself are not complaining of sore feet by the end of the night!
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